What are Carbonless NCR Forms?

What are Carbonless NCR Forms?

We print your custom design onto a specialist paper called NCR. We then produce your job to your exact requirements.

NCR paper has eliminated the need for blue carbon paper (which can be messy to use). The acronym NCR stands for 'No Carbon Required' Carbonless forms. This is a specialist type of paper which is a replacement to blue carbon paper (that was previously used to make instant duplicates of a printed business form).

Completed NCR form

NCR paper has no mess, the reverse of the first NCR sheet of paper is coated with a specialist coating micro encapsulated dye. The front of the second NCR sheet is coated with a clay which very quickly reacts with the dye to form a permanent mark on the NCR sheet. Any subsequent NCR sheets needed are also coated with the clay on top and dye on the bottom. This enables 2,3,4 copies of the original completed form.

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When the top NCR sheet is written on, pressure of the pen or pencil makes the coating on the reverse of the top NCR sheet react with the coating on the face of the bottom NCR sheet, causing the micro capsules to react and break and spill the dye. As the capsules are so small, the print obtained on subsequent NCR sheets is very precise. NCR paper even works if you are using a dot matrix printer.


Specialised additional services
Finishing services such as consecutive numberinghinged writing shields and hole punching are available so each job can be completed to your exact requirements. It is also possible to select a bespoke NCR paper colour sequence (available at a surcharge) when ordering.

    Whatever your specific NCR printing requirements, we can help. We think custom printed NCR products are a fantastic 'physical' product which is very relevant and useful - even in this digital age.

    We offer four sizes as standard; A4 (210 x 297mm), A5 (148 x 210mm), A6 (105 x 148mm) and DL (99 x 210mm). A3 size and bespoke sizes are also available on request.

    Carbonless NCR Forms Custom Printed


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